Friday, July 10, 2009

had a good week.
spent tuesday on bowen island with the colonal tigh's.
spent wednesday in great conversation with a friend.
spent thursday in a restaurant and movie theatre.

helloo weekend.

leading music tomorrow night at the mose.
i'm looking forward to it. just jon and i.

good things to come. camping, etown folk fest, destroyer, billy bragg.

i just bought a old copy of julia child's "my life in france" which i'm about to pick up and devour. i'm sure it will set me up good for when i move there. i will cry myself my own book.
i thought i needed a vacation from non-fiction, had set out to the bookstore for that purpose. recently i've finished a whole host of great books, but my body is craving a story. but then my long standing lover, memoirs, swept back in.
and even just five minutes ago i saw another non fiction book that a friend is reading and i wanted it bad. something about particpatory economics. yum.

a glass of water and a piece of jammy toast will be just the thing.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

i'm super stoked about the final season of battlestar galacitca coming out at the end of this month.
i'm one episode away from total completion, and no where online can it be found to stream.
although impatience got the better of me, and i wikipedia'd it to see what happend. damn. so its the past...

heading out to the edmonton folk fest next month,
all paths lead directly to patty griffin. and neko case.
james won't let me play the new neko case album because he needs to keep his ears virginal so he might be blessed by hearing it on vinyl. wanker.

dirty projectors? good.