Sunday, July 15, 2007

whoo hoo. four and half monthes. now thats a hiatus.
well i'm in the last two hours of my little holiday here on top of a hill in chilliwack.
i brought with me a mild list of things that i thought
oh absolutly i'll have time to finally get done.

mend two pairs of jeans
mend a fabulous bra that i havn't worn due to a little pokey pokey
swim frequently and without modesty
get further dug into the stalin biography.
wear socks. because i packed socks, i figured therefor i should wear some.

so in all acutality here is what got accomplished

all but a few chapters got read regarding ole stalin
swimming one time, and with all sorts of modesty.
sun. burn.
cover to cover of a cheesy assed christian romance novel.
polished off 'til we have faces' by cs lewis. one more book back to matt good.
diet coke consumption enough to quench a small nation.
coronation of smoothie queen.

i leave with phil and corrina in a few hours back into the city,
very well relaxed ,
very well laundered
and blessed, incredibly graciously, to have been able to spend a week at the vacant blundell residence.
with a car to get my lazy ass up and down the hill.

tommorow morning is back to the grind
with excitment
and a good smattering of apprehension regarding the insanity of three kids, four and under returning from a week holiday.
and also, as usual, mild concern for money until next paycheque.
jesus please let my gst cheque be there when i get home. amen.

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