Tuesday, January 07, 2003

the other night i wrote a whole long thing about worship.
and then somehow it didn't get published and was lost FORever.
in my frustration i have not written again.
until now.

well this is going to be anticlimatic.

ha. there is nothing really that i want to say.
i think that burger king is a seriously overlooked eatery.
whoppers are AMAZING. jr. whoppers are only 99c. thats insane. so much goodness, for so little cashola.
listening right now to beth orton... ooooooo. so wonderful. check out god song.. and thinking about tommorow.
for those of you who love me, fear not, for i will be near you.. with a burned cd on hand containing this fab. tunes.
speaking of tunes.. toons.. tunes.. i wanta i wanta cd.
and some crazy.
unique only to apt. 905. hiiiii.
also my scarf...
could i please get my scarf?
the cream and gold one.

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